
Orginization Summary Website
The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) Provide registration platform for all South African businesses.
South African Revenue Service (SARS) Is the nation’s tax collecting authority. Provides all tax related information.
BEE Commission Provide clarity on BEE related matters


Orginization Summary Website
B-BBEE Affidavit Sworn affidavit is needed to prove level of BEE status. The affidavit includes indicators such as the company’s turnover, the level of black ownership and the overall BEE status. The affidavit is valid for a year and renewed annually and its only valid if the Commissioner of Oath has signed it.
The SME Toolkit South Africa Provides business templates for free, including business plan, invoices, budgets, Gantt charts etc
I Am An Enterpreneur Templates that can assist with funding application. Password: Funding23


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FINFIND Online platform that automatically matches the seekers of business finance with appropriate funders from a comprehensive, up-to-date database of more than 450 SMME finance offerings from the public and private sector funders in South Africa.
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Provides funding to qualifying businesses from a range of sectors.
National Empowerment Fund (NEF) To support B-BEEE and previously disadvantaged individuals and communities. It offers a funding for start ups and expansion as a loan, equity funding.
National Empowerment Fund (NEF) Provides enterprise funds for young entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 35 years old and aims to assist them in starting a business or growing an existing one.
National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) To support B-BEEE and previously disadvantaged individuals and communities. It offers a funding for start ups and expansion as a loan, equity funding.
Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Provides financial support to start-up businesses needing capital for equipment, working capital and buildings. It also funds business expansion.
Isivande Women’s Fund Empower women with existing business. With funding, education and training the Fund aims to accelerate women’s economic empowerment with affordable, usable and reliable finance.
Land Bank Provide a wide range of loans for all financial needs like buying land, equipment and working capital for agricultural projects. As part of the application you will need a business plan.
Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) Provide small business with funding.

Business Development Support

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Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) Development, support and promote small enterprises throughout the country.